Middle East/North Africa

Before we knew or had heard of something sinister called COVID-19, our adventurous heroes took a once-in-a-lifetime, three-week bucket list trip to Israel, Egypt, and Jordan, to include a week-long cruise up and down the Nile.
  • Jerusalem was an eye-opening experience - three major religions all packed together in a tiny little space...
  • Cairo was also an eye-opening experience - 25 million people, so many people, so nice, but oh so poor...
  • Egypt in general was yet another eye-opener – so much history everywhere. Our first-ever hot air balloon ride over the Nile was just breathtaking!
  • Jordan was such a surprise – beautiful, well-governed, well-organized, and of course Petra (of Indiana Jones movie fame) was a highlight.
Click on the pages below for photos, details, and occasional doses of our pithy commentary... :)